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Double Pendulum (Chaotic System)

Max for Live

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00:56 - Simple DSP synth controlled by chaos system

1:41 - Breaking the system

3:29 - Chaos system controlling MIDI instrument

3:55 - Chaos system controlling DSP synth and MIDI instrument


This is a patch made with Max for Live in Ableton using the jitter physics environment to simulate a double pendulum which in turn is used to control synthesis parameters and/or MIDI controlled virtual instruments.


Max is an object oriented programming language and it is extremely useful in audio-visual manipulation. 


Here, parameters from a chaotic system (in particular - a double pendulum system) are used to control synthesis parameters like note length, note pitch and note launch. These parameters are also used to control a multi-band EQ and multi-band delay with feedback. A variety of sounds are produced in this manner. External effects can be used to vary the sound further. 


The pendulum can be handled by a user with a mouse and makes this method of synthesis partly interactive and partly controlled by the chaotic system. 


This double pendulum can also be used to control parameters in a MIDI instrument - extending it's playability and variance in terms of sonic timbres and composition. 


This project was undertaken under the supervision of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland in fulfilment of the course "Non real-time systems" facilitated by Tom Mudd.

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